Documentary Film Screening: The Hand That Feeds

    UC Berkeley Labor Center

    Monday, November 2, 2015

    6:30 to 9:00 PM
    Kroeber Hall, Room 0160
    UC Berkeley

    Join us for a screening of this powerful documentary followed by a panel discussion with a #FightFor15 worker and organizer, UC Berkeley Professor and Center for Latin American Studies Chair Harley Shaiken, and UC Berkeley Labor Center Chair Ken Jacobs.

    This event is free and open to the public.

    RSVP and invite friends through our Facebook event page

    About the Film

    Mahoma Lopez unites his undocumented immigrant co-workers to fight abusive conditions at a popular New York restaurant chain. The epic power struggle that ensues turns a single city block into a battlefield in America’s new wage wars.

    Sponsored by the UC Berkeley Labor Center and the UC Berkeley Center for Latin American Studies.