Hidden Cost of Wal-Mart Jobs: Use of Safety Net Programs by Wal-Mart Workers in California
Press Coverage
- Wal-Mart flunks its fact-check: The truth behind its sarcastic response to the Times
Salon, June 25, 2014
- California bill would fine big firms whose workers get Medi-Cal
Los Angeles Times, May 31, 2013
This widely publicized report finds Wal-Mart’s wage and health benefits packages for its California workers to be below average as compared to the overall retail sector in California. The authors also find a greater reliance upon public assistance programs among Wal-Mart workers as compared to other California retail workers. Finally, the authors estimate the additional costs to taxpayers of “Wal-Martization”—the adoption of Wal-Mart’s wage and health benefits standards by retailers throughout California.