US Cities and Counties with Minimum Wage Ordinances
Albuquerque, NM
Albuquerque’s minimum wage has been surpassed by the State of New Mexico’s. We are leaving this ordinance in the inventory because it has not been repealed, but are not counting it toward the number of cities and counties with minimum wage ordinances. Note that the tipped minimum wage in Albuquerque remains higher than that of the state.
Bernalillo County, NM (unincorporated)
Bernalillo County’s minimum wage has been surpassed by the State of New Mexico’s. We are leaving this ordinance in the inventory because it has not been repealed, but are not counting it toward the number of cities and counties with minimum wage ordinances.
Boulder County, CO (unincorporated)
Chicago minimum wage | Chicago tipped minimum wage
Cook County, IL
The majority of Cook County’s municipalities have opted out of the county minimum wage. For more information visit:
Everett, WA (going into effect July 1, 2025)
King County, WA (unincorporated)
Las Cruces, NM (see municipal code here)
Los Angeles County (unincorporated)
Minneapolis (see ordinance here)
Montgomery County, MD (see municipal code also)
Oakland, CA (see municipal code also)
Palo Alto, CA (see ordinance here)
Pasadena, CA (see municipal code also)
Prince George’s County, MD
Prince George’s County’s minimum wage has been surpassed by the State of Maryland’s. We are leaving this ordinance in the inventory because it has not been repealed, but are not counting it toward the number of cities and counties with minimum wage ordinances.
San Leandro, CA
San Leandro’s minimum wage has been surpassed by the state of California’s. We are leaving this ordinance in the inventory because it has not been repealed, but are not counting it toward the number of cities and counties with minimum wage ordinances.
San Mateo County, CA (unincorporated)
Santa Fe County, NM (outside of the incorporated boundaries of the City of Santa Fe, Española, and Edgewood)
Tukwila, WA (see ordinance here)
Washington, DC
—1992 ordinance
—2004 amendments
—2013 amendments
—2016 amendments
—2018 amendments, subsequently repealed by City Council
—2022 initiative eliminating tipped minimum wage