Labor-Management Partnerships

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The Labor Center builds the capacity of unions and high road employers to work collaboratively to solve challenges in their industry, including but not limited to workforce skills development. Our work aims to strengthen the role these partnerships play in advancing a more equitable California economy that supports good jobs and career ladders, provides opportunities for immigrants, women, and people of color, and supports the competitiveness of employers who invest in their workers. We carry out research to identify and strengthen methods, processes, and mechanisms through which these partnerships affect change; support and develop the community of partnership practitioners; and inform policy decisions advancing models of effective labor-management partnership.

The Labor Center’s High-Road Training Partnerships project supports the California Workforce Development Board’s HRTP Initiative in modeling and expanding workforce training partnerships that are worker-centered, industry-led and aligned with key policy goals of equity, job-quality, and sustainability.

Research & Publications

Program Contacts

Pamela Egan

Director, Labor-Management Partnerships Program

Carol Zabin

Senior Advisor on the Green Economy

Laura Watson

Community of Practice Coordinator for High-Road Training Partnerships